Knowledgebase - Apple iPhone

Apple iPhone


1. Can i update to IOS 6? YES you can. It does not affect anything. Please make sure your phone is the most updated verision when restoring

2. Will my phone relock ever? No, this is a permanent process.

3. Can you unlock the IPHONE 5 yet? YES WE CAN. 

4. Do you unlock any other providers besides AT&T USA, Telus Canada? No we just unlock these for Retail only.

5. Does Itunes Version matter? Make sure your ITUNES is updated to the MOST current version.

6. How can I tell my iphone is unlocked for sure? Best way is by putting in a GSM (NON supported sim) and seeing if you can dial out. Usually after restore process it will alert you that the phone is unlocked as well too. ITUNES will not always show a message showing the phone is unlocked, so testing it with a foreign sim is best bet.

7. How do i set up MMS?


How To Unlock IPHONE METHOD 1: 

  1.  Send the IMEI to our server 
  2.  Wait till we return the answer "Unlocked"
  3.  Then, install last version of iTunes if you don't have it already (also make sure you have internet connectivity)


  4.  Connect phone to iTunes with not accepted (not valid) SIM card or valid (AT&T) if your phone requires activation
  5.  Do a backup
  6   Do a restore
  7.  Phone is now unlocked. (message should show up on ITUNES usually (if you dont see it, you can always test with a nonsupported sim card).

For information on backup and restore, please visit 



If your phone is not unlocking or getting signal, PLEASE perform the backup/restore once again (above). Sometimes it takes upto 3 times to get it provisioned and unlocked. Also another solution is also trying to do another restore on another computer. Many times this has done the trick too.

What if your phone shows up as NOT ACTIVATED?

You need to use an AT&T active sim card to activate or get the last owner billing zip code & last 4 of social. Please make sure you DONT confuse UNLOCKING with Activating it. They are two different things.



I received the message "activated" or "unlocked" but when I plug it into iTunes, nothing happens.


- Try connecting to iTunes, perform a back up then restore.




Phone is Jailbroken and will not allow me to do a restore


- You must put your iPhone into whats call "DFU mode".
- Open iTunes and connect the iPhone to your PC/Mac.
- Press and hold the Home button and the Sleep/Wake button at the same time.
- After exactly 10 seconds release the Sleep/Wake button. Continue holding the home button until you iTunes pops up a message telling you that it has detected an iPhone in recovery mode. Now you can do a restore on your iPhone.

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